Project Title: „Rugalmas foglalkoztatás a simpleSoft Kft.-nél”
Amount of contracted subvention: 13 559 915 .- HUF
Accepted project intensity: 100 %
Project number: GINOP-5.3.2-16-2017-00589
Deadline of execution: 2018.02.28.

We undertake complete implementation of intranet, internet and smartphone applications, web interfaces and webpages, even in existing environments, integrated with other softwares. Following the needs assessment and problem analysis we make the application planning and realization, consulting with the customer.

We deliver, scale and configure the application servers. We undertake systems’ long term operations. We register domains and provide storage, on which we make the necessary configurations for the application to run optimally. We also provide administrative services, such as archiving, system supervision and availability.

We also deal with the sales of software solutions made to resolve general problems. We mean providing products by that, that are customizable, but have a fix functionality. Besides our own products we are AVG anti-virus software distributors as well. simpleSoft kft. AVG certificate
Diploma flat cost calculator, data processor for universities, timetable generator, training management for higher educational systems.
Training applications manager for universities. Creating curriculum development workflow for the joint work of teachers, lectors.
Offering education related, professional work supporter software systems for institutional maintainers, institutes and higher educational institutions.
Creation of managerial informational and reporting system for institutional maintainer, based on data collected from external softwares.
Cost management, HR and project cost statement, invoicing for small and medium-sized enterprises. Cost planning and follow-up for institute.
Audio and video processing system with meta information capturing to ensure a searchable audiovisual archive.
Searchable, professional database of files with arbitrary extensions and datasheet display for university.
Hungarian Stock Exchange stock exchange database.
Searchable database of hungarikums through portal and mobile application.
Workhour and vacation register solutions for universities, small and medium-sized enterprises.
Application workflow system for universities.
HR register for universities, small and medium-sized enterprises.
Customer handler system for house savings provider. Professional, advisory work supporter system to handle customers and suppliers for national campaign.
Database of teachers participating in tenders for higher educational instituton.
Travel and accomodation cost accounting for tenderer institution.
Electronic administration system for council.
Mobile applications, web applications and customer portal for one of the biggest telecommunication service provider.
We have our own serverpark on which we provide operation of portals and web applications.
Operating the whole IT infrastructure of the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Structured data storing and reporting system of a tool and premises register with expandable data properties, cost allocation and premises booking solutions for universities, institutes and institutional maintainers.
About us
SimpleSoft Ltd., founded in 2007 is a software developer company with a stable background and outstanding competence in every field of web programming, proven by our references to noted firms and institutions.
Our posy, “Simple solutions for a complex world” expresses our dedication to the profession, the necessity of keeping our competences on the top and resolving any challenges, no matter how difficult they are. Let it be any unique idea or need we will create the required web application or software.
With our constantly trained expert colleagues we strive for performing tasks effective and solving the problems defined by our customers and partners. Using nowadays’ well- and maybe least-known online technologies (Php, .Net, Java, HTML 5) we create unique softwares and applications with the greatest skills and care.
There is no success without continuous development. We stand for guaranteeing the most modern infrastructure for our works and services. We are constantly improving our technical and technological background as well as our human resources.
SimpleSoft Ltd., founded in 2007 is a software developer company with a stable background and outstanding competence in every field of web programming, proven by our references to noted firms and institutions.
Our posy, “Simple solutions for a complex world” expresses our dedication to the profession, the necessity of keeping our competences on the top and resolving any challenges, no matter how difficult they are. Let it be any unique idea or need we will create the required web application or software.
With our constantly trained expert colleagues we strive for performing tasks effective and solving the problems defined by our customers and partners. Using nowadays’ well- and maybe least-known online technologies (Php, .Net, Java, HTML 5) we create unique softwares and applications with the greatest skills and care.
There is no success without continuous development. We stand for guaranteeing the most modern infrastructure for our works and services. We are constantly improving our technical and technological background as well as our human resources.

Technology background
Java development
Developing Java applications for personal computers and distributed enterprise environments.
Developing Java applications for personal computers and distributed enterprise environments.
.NET based development
Application developement in C#, online solutions based on ASP.NET
Application developement in C#, online solutions based on ASP.NET
PHP development
Quick and effective developement of Intranet and Internet applications using our own developed framework.
Quick and effective developement of Intranet and Internet applications using our own developed framework.
We aim to provide java-based solutions that are simple, reliable and efficient. We support our
customers in choosing the most optimal solution and we make the necessary choices together.
Range of solutions, standard implementations and different frameworks based on this technology is really wide nowadays, behind of which are remarkable representatives (such as IBM, BEA, Oracle, Apache Founcation, Eclipse Foundation, etc.) making it possible for our customers to be able to choose the most favorable solutions out of several choices.
Java-based programs are able to run under different operating systems without any changes/modifications. There is an implemented Java Virtual Machine for the common operating systems (Windows, various Linux distributions, Solaris, HP-UX, MacOSX), that's why our solutions can be applied for all of them* (*it can change based on project and the applied 3rd party technologies)
We believe, after getting to know the theme entrusted to us accurately we are able to choose the solution that is the most optimal and most fitting for the customer's needs.
SimpleSoft Kft.'s Java-based solutions are fundamentally based on the Java Standard Edition (Java SE) and the Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE).
Our manufactory offers Java-based services in two directions:
- Development of Java applications running on PCs
- Development of applications running on distributed enterprise environments
Applications running on PCs use the Java Standard Edition (Java SE) and fundamentally based on Swing. There are numerous open source and commercial moduls available for Java desktop applications, thus almost any type of usage can be covered by the technology.
Applications running on distributed enterprise environments are based on Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE). We choose the application server used in the given solution corresponding the task/customer's needs. In case the application has an online interface we use the Java Server Pages (JSP) or the Java Server Faces (JSF) technologies. For these there are an extensive tag/component libraries available from numerous sources (application server specific or developed by other companies). Choosing the right elements can be done after knowing the task accurately and cross-checking with the customer. In case specific customer requirements come up to use a specific technology (or implementation) we try to find the optimal solution based on those needs. There are numerous open source and commercial implementations and addons for the Java technology, that's why there are more than one solutions for a given task.
Range of solutions, standard implementations and different frameworks based on this technology is really wide nowadays, behind of which are remarkable representatives (such as IBM, BEA, Oracle, Apache Founcation, Eclipse Foundation, etc.) making it possible for our customers to be able to choose the most favorable solutions out of several choices.
Java-based programs are able to run under different operating systems without any changes/modifications. There is an implemented Java Virtual Machine for the common operating systems (Windows, various Linux distributions, Solaris, HP-UX, MacOSX), that's why our solutions can be applied for all of them* (*it can change based on project and the applied 3rd party technologies)
We believe, after getting to know the theme entrusted to us accurately we are able to choose the solution that is the most optimal and most fitting for the customer's needs.
SimpleSoft Kft.'s Java-based solutions are fundamentally based on the Java Standard Edition (Java SE) and the Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE).
Our manufactory offers Java-based services in two directions:
- Development of Java applications running on PCs
- Development of applications running on distributed enterprise environments
Applications running on PCs use the Java Standard Edition (Java SE) and fundamentally based on Swing. There are numerous open source and commercial moduls available for Java desktop applications, thus almost any type of usage can be covered by the technology.
Applications running on distributed enterprise environments are based on Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE). We choose the application server used in the given solution corresponding the task/customer's needs. In case the application has an online interface we use the Java Server Pages (JSP) or the Java Server Faces (JSF) technologies. For these there are an extensive tag/component libraries available from numerous sources (application server specific or developed by other companies). Choosing the right elements can be done after knowing the task accurately and cross-checking with the customer. In case specific customer requirements come up to use a specific technology (or implementation) we try to find the optimal solution based on those needs. There are numerous open source and commercial implementations and addons for the Java technology, that's why there are more than one solutions for a given task.
.NET framework releases and the associated development environments (Microsoft Visual Studio)
allow fast and simple development cycles. Faster work means shorter deadlines, more
cost-efficient solutions and shorter payback time for our customers.
Our manufactory offers solutions in two areas:
- Application development in C#
- Web solutions based on ASP .NET
After the release of version 3.0 the technology has been expanded by such new elements that make the development of tasks of specific topics even more easy abd efficient, while already existing components have also been improved.
At the start of a .NET project, after the accurate assessment of needs we specify the usable elements and (with the customer if requested) we choose the optimal combinations. We believe it is impossible (at least it's very hard) to create quality software without careful planning. That's why we do everything in order to get to know the topic as accurate as possible, create the technical shape of the given task (specification) and to provide the highest possible level of service. By these are the typical traits of our .NET-based solutions to be simplicity, reliability and efficiency.
If necessary, we also propose the optimal infrastructure required by the given software solution.
Our manufactory offers solutions in two areas:
- Application development in C#
- Web solutions based on ASP .NET
After the release of version 3.0 the technology has been expanded by such new elements that make the development of tasks of specific topics even more easy abd efficient, while already existing components have also been improved.
At the start of a .NET project, after the accurate assessment of needs we specify the usable elements and (with the customer if requested) we choose the optimal combinations. We believe it is impossible (at least it's very hard) to create quality software without careful planning. That's why we do everything in order to get to know the topic as accurate as possible, create the technical shape of the given task (specification) and to provide the highest possible level of service. By these are the typical traits of our .NET-based solutions to be simplicity, reliability and efficiency.
If necessary, we also propose the optimal infrastructure required by the given software solution.
PHP development
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) has opened new dimensions for
feasibilities of the PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) programming language as the complex solutions
can be
handeled with professional tools, avoiding the pitfalls of functional software development. The
code is
easily managed, modifications can be done easily thanks to the OOP.
We are able to create unique Intranet and Internet applications fast and efficiently with our own, self-developed framework (continuously being developed based on customer requests). Our reference projects, created with the framework guarantee the basic, faultless functionality. We can offer efficient solutions for complex problems, significantly reducing lead-time of new developments.
It allows the generation of webpages, portals, web applications, the content of which is not prewritten, but based on our requests. We can create an access control system, registers, all of these in a way so they are available from multiple places.
Our manufactory's professionals use PHP programming language since 1998. The time passed has justified the importance and durability of the technology.
We are able to create unique Intranet and Internet applications fast and efficiently with our own, self-developed framework (continuously being developed based on customer requests). Our reference projects, created with the framework guarantee the basic, faultless functionality. We can offer efficient solutions for complex problems, significantly reducing lead-time of new developments.
It allows the generation of webpages, portals, web applications, the content of which is not prewritten, but based on our requests. We can create an access control system, registers, all of these in a way so they are available from multiple places.
Our manufactory's professionals use PHP programming language since 1998. The time passed has justified the importance and durability of the technology.